Welcome to the world of evrmore!

Part vibe check, part life recorder, part personal AI — evrmore is your companion for now or for life, because it will listen to you as it learns to know/hear/see you for who you are and WHO YOU WANT TO BECOME.

It's a completely new way of self-care that gives you the ultimate glow-up! For the first time, you get to share as little or as much as you want (without having to check 1,000 settings/preferences/notifications). And you're in the driver's seat of your social life on evrmore because you can decide the type of sharing based on different circles of friends.

It's here for you to have a go-to place to talk things out, feel your feels, think things through, tell your life stories (and share them if you want to), and build a strong Narrative Identity that will serve you for life.

For those interested in how we've built evrmore for you to be well, live well, and thrive no matter what life throws at you, check out our Inclusive Betterment Principles, which visualize and explain how we've taken into account the importance of your privacy, your sense of mastery, and to help you discover and protect your personal truth.

Excited?! We're, too!